I have recently and temporarily, had a few physical setbacks and it has opened my horizons. Rather than sit back and let the Doctors handle it, my team has encouraged and inspired me to "be the best You can be". I feel empowered.
I have been thinking of others whose paths have crosses with mine and 2 MS friends, and a new friend with seizures have come to mind. And comes to mind some Chrohns/ Colitis and other breast cancer patients and Altimers' (boy are there some duzies out there-I consider myself lucky... I am inspired by actions they have taken (or not, and would love to either learn or hope from their actions).
This is what action I am taking:
1. Mylo is my service dog and we are working on getting her certified.
2. Invite a friend to dinner or to drive-I am limited to no driving for the next 6 months since my seizure.
3. Ask for help specifically, and get to know who I am asking help from.
4. Dare to dream big and speak about it. Share.
See how loved you are?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just had a great week of reunions with college roommates and a wonderful date with my fabulous husband/gardener. My old house is now rented and the new tenant moving in. I went to see Avatar with Steve today and it was a fabulous date with 3D glasses. Hope you all are having as much fun as I am. I walked about 3 miles up hills and to Starbucks with Deanne and Susan (running friends who have slowed down for me). Feel free to make your own comments and stories as I know you all have them out there again. I am off to make magic cookies and my cousin is here tonight for the week from Chicago, so give me some time off for a couple of days.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Photo shoot just in...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Dyllan over 8 lbs!
Just a quick note that today was Dyllan's due date (or close enough) so we had her Dr appt with Hal Quinn, Mercer Island Pediatrics (my kid's own Dr and great place). She weighs 8 lbs. 2 oz. -more than any of us bet... She would have been a big baby to push out! I am sure we are all happy to have her out here and so perfect.
1/2 marathon and Mylo
Mylo, Steve and I went up to the top of the driveway to cheer on the racers which I formerly (Steve too) have participated in actively. We found Bilbe's at the roads edge with cow bells and fortunately I had gloves to ring those cowbells loudly. Yeah Gwenna and Eric, yeah Debbie Constantine, yeah Earl Davis, and Art, yeah talking rain Hunter and Dad...I was glad to be watching this year. Perhaps next year I will be out there again.
Mylo barked sufficiently for encouraging all the runners and we headed back down after a couple of hours. A pump me up for the rest of the week. Today I celebrated a beautiful day, watched the neighbors wake board and water surf behind their boat, and kayaked the other day myself. Water is soooo healing. Try it sometime. You will love it.
Mylo barked sufficiently for encouraging all the runners and we headed back down after a couple of hours. A pump me up for the rest of the week. Today I celebrated a beautiful day, watched the neighbors wake board and water surf behind their boat, and kayaked the other day myself. Water is soooo healing. Try it sometime. You will love it.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Corned beef and cabbage
Yes, the luck of the Irish is with me for days...We fixed a feast of corned beef and cabbage and Michael Backes brought over green beers! We watch the Big Luberski movie in preparation for bowling nite tonight. Any day you can celebrate is a great day. Choose an event to celebrate today. Michael was great with Dyllan Grace and fed her a bottle. What a guy!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I cannot slow down...
Nora Jones, song of the day, my mind is spinning. Today was my last day of radiation treatment and lucky Irish St Patrick's day! Cause for green celebration all around. We are having corned beef and cabbage to celebrate. Lift a glass of green beer for me tonight. You have all been so fabulous in my uplifting spirits and encouragement, this treatment is nothing but love and success. My scan is next week and I expect miracles are resulting. More on the horizon if necessary we can go back to chemo. I am optimistic that I will regain plenty of strength this next week as I have a week off trauma and stress. No worries about driving with cell phone since I cannot drive for a bit, but that won't stop me from walking and now running. Come take me out!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A fabulous day
It is March madness and the weather is beautiful! 62 degrees out yesterday and a nice weekend up coming. Sarah and Sharon took me to treatment yesterday-my happy place. We got home and the water was flat as a pancake and beckoning for the kayaks to come out. It was Sarah's birthday, so we had to paddle down to the Beach Club and chase the geese off the dock. Set the tone for a gorgeous day and I actually got those flowers that have been pouring in into the ground for some beautiful color spots. Spring is here already. I made a chop chop salad and spinach salad with Lucy for dinner and bathed Dyllan before retiring for bed.
Business is picking up! I think that the log jam is breaking up and the banks are finally get their acts together and we are seeing offers once again. Deals are out there to be had. Call me if you have any urge to make a change.
Business is picking up! I think that the log jam is breaking up and the banks are finally get their acts together and we are seeing offers once again. Deals are out there to be had. Call me if you have any urge to make a change.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tony, my homeless friend
Tony lives on the corner of Rainier Ave and Jackson where I pass him going to and from my radiation appointments. He collects money until he raises $50 so that he can stay in a hotel for the night with his son. The other day I asked how things were going and Tony began to cry saying that his son had his arm amputated and was depressed. I started to collected 1st aid things around the house for his care to drop off this am. What can we do?
My sister was bit by a feral cat that she was rescuing from a homeless camp that had been bulldozed for a commercial development. Her temperature spiked to 101 degrees and she went in for a shot to aleive the fever. Animals calm us and need our help but don't complain the way humans do. I am training my dog to be a service dog since they aim to please their masters unconditionally. Random news...just on my mind.
My sister was bit by a feral cat that she was rescuing from a homeless camp that had been bulldozed for a commercial development. Her temperature spiked to 101 degrees and she went in for a shot to aleive the fever. Animals calm us and need our help but don't complain the way humans do. I am training my dog to be a service dog since they aim to please their masters unconditionally. Random news...just on my mind.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Amazing the energy that I feel surrounding me from all of your positive actions and thoughts. Keep it coming. My schedule has been full. Cori and Mo grabbed me to go see Alice in Wonderland yesterday which I could fully relate to (falling down the hole and all of the challenges and competitions-or am I in a dream?). Went to the container store and got myself a bit more organized, thanks to Betty who got me started on that route-have to admit it helps the business side of things, and invited 10 guests for dinner (someone else made the dinner) so the social was positively fabulous. Sally came by and took me out to run errands-sometimes it is nice not to be able to drive-no tickets here! And all that in just one day. Planning for the future is the hard part. The day started out with a photo shoot for Dyllan and the family and I am excited to get the pictures back. A beautiful day and wonderful results.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
eye of the storm
2:30 and the wind was howling up a storm and I woke up dreaming of the past 24 hours. I had watched the Navy Seals training on TV and felt their fatigue myself; guests had been many during the day...Susan had taken me to treatment and we had visited her remodel in Queen Anne, Lisa had come over after and we had caught up on neighbors and yoga news, Eileen had come by to take me to a staging appointment that stirred some excitement about getting our Queen Anne View condo sold, Elaine from Blaine arrived to help with baby Dyllan and dinner, Suzie Curan brought dinner over and we supplimented and invited Dave and Enso to join the family. Bedtime at 9 was none too early so I am rested now and ready to face a calmer day today. Mylo needs training for her service dog certification, curtains need to be made for the baby's room, the magic cookies are all gone and I need to make a new batch and get them on the website...so much to do. Bonnie is out of town this week so work becons and it is exciting to see things moving again. Thank you to all who stimulate me and keep me going. Live Strong!!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
pickin' up

With all the dizziness of the past week, there was bound to be a better day, and it has arrived. I believe the new meds have made a difference in the numbness and my balance is returning. Not only that, but the tumors are disappearing and miracles are happening. I will get results from the cat scan a few days ago today sometime to confirm, but to the touch, things are already better. Dyllan is growing and so am I.
The Oscars were so much fun. I dressed up and went to Cori's house in all my finery with a little help from the peanut gallery. I think I won best outfit. What do you all think?
I am surrounded by angels and cannot fail.
Monday, March 8, 2010
So I dressed up and went to the oscar party last night and pretended I was a movie actress. I am getting there slowly but surely. I wore my fur and diamonds and had to put my wig on cause my hair fell out again, and I had a beautiful big brimmed red hat that I acquired in Palm Desert to complete the outfit. Will see if Cori can email me a photo for the blog... Sean shaved my head last night to save me the clean up of shedding hair all over the pillow and shower. Slick Watts I am again.
Toured a new client around with Bonnie to some fun listings and will let you all know that I am still working so don't forget us. We just landed a sale this week so good news that things are picking up which means some cash flow. We have rented our Salem Woods house this past week and are very excited to be settled in our waterfront house with Erica, Dan and Dyllan. Stop by and see us when you get a chance. We love company.
Toured a new client around with Bonnie to some fun listings and will let you all know that I am still working so don't forget us. We just landed a sale this week so good news that things are picking up which means some cash flow. We have rented our Salem Woods house this past week and are very excited to be settled in our waterfront house with Erica, Dan and Dyllan. Stop by and see us when you get a chance. We love company.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Parts of yesterday were a hazes to me and part as clear as gold. I went to my radiation treatment with an entourage of friends, Erica, Terri, Dyllan and Ka. We were greeted by Angel as usual and proceeded to the scanning machine for the quick visit it normally takes. Starbucks fed us a nice cup of coffee afterwards and snack and we went home back to Ka's to check out her classy, beautiful remodeling job. My leg started to go numb again, so I sat down in the kitchen booth and began to try to work it out.. After a few minutes, it didn't get any better, so I lay down on the bench seat and waited for the troops to get back upstairs and take me into the bedroom. I decided to call my doctor and see if there was some physio exercise that I should be doing to relieve this numbness, but the phone connections took too much time and next thing I knew the numb leg migrated into the arm area and shortly took over my whole body quivering in uncontrollable epileptic seizure. My heart raced out of my head, and my left side shook uncontrollably. I heard my daughter, Erica holding me and softly crying for me to wake up and I passed out. I thought I was dying, I was so scared. I woke moments later to find the shaking subsided and medics surrounding me asking me all kinds of questions. Hours of ER and cat scan and blood tests show that the tumor is still to blame for the body malfunctions, but I am convinced we are making progress and that it is not my time to go. What an experience! we drove my the homeless guy, Tony, who stands on the street corner at Rainier and Jackson and Ka handed him a $5. This is 1/10th of what he needs to spend the night at a motel with his son, then he will return for the next day and peddle for the next night. A veteran.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Dark Shadows
Song of the day: Friday Afternoon by Credance Clearwater Revival.
Did you ever watch that sitcom? Dark Shadows? or am I dating myself?
I am jumping ahead on the day and reflecting on yesterday (maybe the Beattle's song should be the song of the day-Yesterday) I attended a session at Guild's Club (the cancer network place to be for support groups, information and activities for distraction and growth) last night. The topic was preparing for and recovering from surgery. I have had my surgery already, but with this cancer, you never know when they will surprise you and opt for another one-TODAY. There never seems to be any time to sit with the idea of having your body carved up and how scarey that can be. The 20 some odd attendees were from all walks of life and the 1 1/2 hr time frame went by quickly. I went with Jean who also has ovarian cancer and is in remission now and we chatted up a storm both over and back since she drove. I listened to some stories that seemed hopeless yet these people were here with their caregivers and spouses and full of information. The leader was a therapist and survivor herself with the same genetic mutation that I have (BRACA1). I started daydreaming about new ways to reach my nirvana and come out from the dark shadows.
Did you ever watch that sitcom? Dark Shadows? or am I dating myself?
I am jumping ahead on the day and reflecting on yesterday (maybe the Beattle's song should be the song of the day-Yesterday) I attended a session at Guild's Club (the cancer network place to be for support groups, information and activities for distraction and growth) last night. The topic was preparing for and recovering from surgery. I have had my surgery already, but with this cancer, you never know when they will surprise you and opt for another one-TODAY. There never seems to be any time to sit with the idea of having your body carved up and how scarey that can be. The 20 some odd attendees were from all walks of life and the 1 1/2 hr time frame went by quickly. I went with Jean who also has ovarian cancer and is in remission now and we chatted up a storm both over and back since she drove. I listened to some stories that seemed hopeless yet these people were here with their caregivers and spouses and full of information. The leader was a therapist and survivor herself with the same genetic mutation that I have (BRACA1). I started daydreaming about new ways to reach my nirvana and come out from the dark shadows.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Comments on the blog...
I understand that some are having difficulties and giving up on the blog comments. Comments from the peanut gallery on that one? I suggested signing up for a gmail account, but some may just want to email me and then I have to get back to you...Keep it simple stupid (KISS it) My new motto.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Sunday Special Service
Sunday was a full day starting with my walk with the girls routine. Fresh air and good company is always a great way to start the day. Hiking up through Pioneer Park with Mylo in training (service dog) was both successful and invigorating. The dog preformed her duties well, eager to please and get some much deserved attention, and with my newly purchased hiking stick, my balance was uncompromised. We arrived at our destination, Starbucks, and a short lived wave of nausea overtook me. I had a straight up American and skipped the milk. Done. We walked back down thru the park, noticing all the wonderful old growth forest and beauty that surrounded us.
Home again and it was Dyllan feeding time, and I helped Erica get ready for a baby shower she was making cupcakes for, then tried to get some rest before the church service that would include a special anointment ceremony dedicated to me.
Joys and concerns were many and very heart felt as people expressed their inner most deep hurts and joys. One visitor was asking for prayers for his old roommate who had just killed a young teacher he had been stalking and in turn was later killed by police. Many had recently lost parents or grandparents, or we struggling with illnesses. My heart was heavy. Dale preached a sermon that hit home (the parable from Luke 14:15-24 New Testament p. 77) - the invitation to the banquet no one came to and the servant went out to invite the dejected into his house...and then following that service, I was received by so many who showered me with kind words and positive energy. Liz had a reception to follow and it couldn't have been less meaningful than the baptism of a newborn.
Home again and it was Dyllan feeding time, and I helped Erica get ready for a baby shower she was making cupcakes for, then tried to get some rest before the church service that would include a special anointment ceremony dedicated to me.
Joys and concerns were many and very heart felt as people expressed their inner most deep hurts and joys. One visitor was asking for prayers for his old roommate who had just killed a young teacher he had been stalking and in turn was later killed by police. Many had recently lost parents or grandparents, or we struggling with illnesses. My heart was heavy. Dale preached a sermon that hit home (the parable from Luke 14:15-24 New Testament p. 77) - the invitation to the banquet no one came to and the servant went out to invite the dejected into his house...and then following that service, I was received by so many who showered me with kind words and positive energy. Liz had a reception to follow and it couldn't have been less meaningful than the baptism of a newborn.
Vancouver Olynnpic Games
Saturday Cori, Bonnie and I decided to trek up to the games in Vancouver to savor the flare of the festivities before they left our neck of the woods. We were not disappointed! Dan, Erica and Dyllan caravaned. The border crossing was 10 minutes, the drive around 3 hours, parking by the waterfront, $10/day the trip-memories of a lifetime.
We caught the new sky (underground) train and shoved in like the Japanese trains, moving to the back cars to enable the stroller to fit, with instructions from the platform help for ease in transportation. Arriving at the hub of the activities we entered Robson Street, bought some souvenir pins and looked for the ever illusive red mittens and Olympic gear. To satisfy our growing hunger pains we ducked out of the crowd and drizzle and into Joe Fortes restaurant. We were escorted to the top garden rooftop tented venue, set up to especially for viewing of the city and with big screen TVs and special menu. We shortly notice Vince Vahn, who was getting the royal treatment sitting at the table next to us. Our waiters and waitresses gave us the royal treatment as well, bringing us steak tartar for tasters to an awesome meal.
Satisfied and full we exited to roundevou with Dan, Erica and baby Dyllan and move on to visit the Calderon and take pictures.
Along the route we encountered the party atmosphere of athletes mingling with spectators and a basic adrenaline air with dancing in the street, hockey games (the big hockey match off with the US vs Canada was due the following day and competition was in the air). We place a medal we had brought from home for an event we had completed (tour de Tuscon specifically that Bonnie had done) around Dan's neck and immediately got results-"Who is that guy and what event does he do?" Although we came up with quite a few responses hind site to chuckle about...Dan answered eloquently "I am the Australian baby buggy pusher champion!" and smiled, flexing his muscles and resolving to "Look better naked".
Gastown was our next stop where we check out the historic district and visited the Inuit Indian art shop. I would have loved to buy a few things there, but I am in recycle mode and trying not to add more stuff to my life (memories last a lifetime). Then Dyllan became restless and we stopped at Earl's restaurant to rest a bit and recover. No sooner had we reached the sports bar when Dan recognized 2 guest from his hometown in Terry Hills, Australia that he hadn't seen in 10 years! Amazed at such a small world, we joined them for another fabulous meal of the day and caught up with new friends, calling Australia to let Dan's Mom know that yet another person had gotten to hold her new granddaughter before her.
We left the crowds in search of a Canadian flag we could capture and take over the border, but didn't want to steal one and ruin the welcoming spirit that surrounded us as we left the country (On our entry we had seen many that had fallen off cars, but were not destined to take one home). Cori had said if we didn't get one, we would loose the hockey game-which was to happen the next day. It is her fault we lost!
technical update
Sign up for a gmail account so that you can post comments to the blog! Google is the search engine here and very user friendly. You will be glad you updated. You can email me for help at kkattale@gmail.com.
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