Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Far Ventures

For the last year and a half I have been taking baby steps out and returning quietly and quickly for my next treatment or scan. This Thurs I am preparing to go for another Avastin treatment. One which I don't know the ending for. I also have MRI and mamogram alternately every 6 months, and a higher probability of getting breast cancer since my genetic test was positive for the BRCA1 gene. (Good news - Erica tested negative for the same gene!) Does that mean she will wait to have a family? This December I am planning a month leave to visit Australia, with a short stop in Fiji on the way- with Erica & Dan and Steve. We wish Sean could accompany us, but job responsibilty and cost are factors that have become more important with the current state of the economy. We approach things with caution again as we venture out into the world with new enthusiasm. I am looking forward to leaving my new reality behind for a spell and seeing the extended family on their turf. I have a few more tests to go through before I am considered clear, but haven't felt an urgent need for travel insurance...


Anonymous said...

Hey Kerry!

Glad you are traveling and getting out. Fiji sounds pretty cool!!

Just know you are still in my prayers!!


Anonymous said...

Don't know if you saw this, but check out http://www.staples1973.com/

