Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Time to take a different tack

In sailing when the wind shifts, you tack (or jibe). You make a change in your course direction and adjust the sails, or you suffer the results of being "dead in the water" or way off course of your original destination. I have to create visuals in order to mobilize myself, or else I am stuck repeatedly reciting the 23rd Psalm; "Yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me..."

Last night Dr Kaplan called with the scan results. My resistant cancerous spot on the lungs continues to resist and grow. It is time to make a new plan. We are going to radiate the bugger! I am in the process now of finding out what that entails, and who is going to do it, and when. Just as the New Year dawns.
Taking that to another level, I called on one of my current clients and pushed a new plan. After nearly one year, our marketing efforts have not closed the deal and a change is needed. I signed up a new listing and reached mutual acceptance on another. Some plans work, others need shifting around.

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