Saturday, April 25, 2009

warrior to battle

I am getting all the chores done that I haven't gotten to and trying once again to clear out clutter and simplify my life before going to battle. I declined a doctor visit with Dr Kaplan and said just to book me for the recommended treatments and get it over. I cannot imagine the old days when warriors were headed to battle and saying good-bye to loved ones (though I am far from there yet), getting their lives in order and armor on-oh the sleepless nites!


Janet Mead said...

Kerry, You are one warrior with an incredible armour and the BEST weaponry in your arsenal. I would stand behind you any day! Fight on! We are here to support you.

Kat Tale said...

And support me you all do, just by your love, your hugs, your calls and your texts. Love you all-we are off to battle this one together and my Swedish Run is coming up in July, so get ready to walk or run for Team Sussex to benefit ovarian cancer! More to come on that one.