Thursday, April 30, 2009

Home Recovery

Wow to be back here again is a deja vu. One year ago the day of the Guilda's Fashion show I was off for chemo just after the show, now here we go again. The day of the show where I hosted the table and off for round 3. To top it all off, Bonnie and Erica are off and we have a new listing...Thank God for all the friends that I have to help me at any sign of my weakness. Or just because they love me. Love you all. The treatment went well, I had visitors and played games, then went to sleep for a couple of hours at a time before the nurses would interupt and take my vitals and check meds. I felt I could run the show since this was old hat, and I estimated my own urine output, asked for my own wristband that they had forgotten, and changed my weight on the whiteboard that they son blatantly put up for all my visitors to see! Today I signed up a new listing and so my friends, come on and help me sell it! We need this economy to move! The day was beautiful, and I walked Mylo around the block a few times to catch the fresh air and sunshine. she is always up for a good walk. My feet don't hurt! Unbelievalbe! Look what chemo does. Late this afternoon, I started to slump. Food arrived, and Robin came over to help me get my home office running again. I think it is time to sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is the dinner delivery train back on line? If so, I'd like to sign up. I promise no martinis this time ;-)
