Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Doobie doobie doo

A friend, I won't name names, gave me a marijuana joint the other day. I had to ask my Dr about smoking it before I tried it, but he assured me that the gift was cheaper than the prescription we can obtain (full strength) and that it works for some people. I had thought that I would wait to try it when my chemo started and I was feeling sick and wanting to escape, but I was bloated, uncomfortable to the point of sleeplessness, and anxious so I got up, wrestled with the idea of taking more drugs if I could really do without, then went to get the joint out of it's hiding place.
My thinking regressed to Vietnam War days, my High School years, when smoking pot, concert going and free love was all the thing. Give love a chance. I feel I am regressing these days to the days of my youth. Perhaps the visual gives me stength as I was invicible in those days, carefree and a bit edgey. I suppose also I will be in trouble with some for even posting this chapter...

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Love the sound of the peace pipe! I had so much fun around that thing...too much laughing til my belly hurt!