Clutter shows an imbalance. If you have YOURSELF reached the point of "too much" or "enough already!", then it is time to start decluttering-a healthy thing for all of us. (remember this may not be just about physical things, but about what is racing around in your head)
1. Prioritize
2. Sort into files
3. Get rid of the junk-reduce, reuse, and recycle
3 boxes (believe me the earth will be a better place when we all start doing this-go green)
4. Give yourself a reward for your acheivements
5. Be gentle on yourself. Baby steps. You didn't get to where you are now overnite.
SONG-How Sweet it is to be loved by you by James Taylor
On weight:
You are perfect just the way you are-you weren't born imperfect. So now you have to go throught steps to return to perfect, but what is perfect? Perfect is LOVE. Start loving yourself.
1. Dress in the am for what you feel up to-notice how you are dressing and perhaps you will find your passion in life-swim suit at 6 am? Coach? Love that group!
2. Change your outfit for where you intend to be. Work? and who you are meeting-they will appreciate the connection and it will be appropriate. Stay neutral or whith what most would expect of you if you don't know the people you are meeting. Help someone you love get dressed if they don't have the mind to do it themselves, but don't push yourself on them). It is ok to look different (that is where fashion comes from...).
3.Go to a doctor if you aren't able to do these steps alone. The medical profession has lots of answers that may be right for you if you are brave enough to try them. (plastic surgery, lap band surgery...)
4. Exercise-you can maintain a good shape if you both eat right and exercise on a physical level. Dogs don't have a choice-look at their owners...
5. I prefer the natural remedies. I dress accordingly, but I can "fake it till I make it" also. You become what you imagine long enough. "Dream big and pray for the results".
Enough already....Declutter.
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